how to add content (html) below posts?
In the image, the placement is right below the like bar and link of each post
how to add content (html) below posts?
In the image, the placement is right below the like bar and link of each post
Out of curiosity, could you send the link to this topic?
I found a tutorial topic for this here.
But I’m worried that ad blockers will hide the content (html) below these posts.
this is the code i use, but if i want to change the position of the content (html) to the position right below the row : post author and date. Can anyone help me customize the position in this code ?
In the image, I am circling the location where I want to place the content using code.
<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.8">
const RawHtml = require("discourse/widgets/raw-html").default;
api.decorateWidget("post:after", helper => {
return [
new RawHtml({
html: `<div id="custom-ad">
<h3>Another simple box</h3>
Integer velit ante,
<a href="">DISCOURSE</a>
amet tristique in, gravida at ligula. Sed gravida mauris id
neque vestibulum semper. Suspendisse potenti. Nam
nec maximus ligula. Ut eget semper est. Sed ornare
sit amet justo eu rutrum. Integer sit amet facilisis ipsum.
You don’t want to use widgets. See Widgets, the Widget API and their roadmap?