Changing like-icon for specific topic

Before my upgrade from 2.0.0 to 2.3.0 yesterday, I was using this code in CSS to change the like button for a specific topic:

[data-topic-id="65"] button.toggle-like .fa-heart::before {
    background-image: url("/images/emoji/emoji_one/pray.png");

It had broken some time ago so that it showed the heart when not liked, but the proper image (pray.png) showed after like was pressed. However, I think the SVG change changes this - now I see only hearts before and after liking, never the proper picture.

How could I fix this? Can it be done with CS??

Try replacing .fa-heart with .d-icon,

[data-topic-id="65"] .like-button .toggle-like .d-icon:before {
      background-image: url("/images/emoji/emoji_one/pray.png");