Chat: Make image lightbox match core

We’ve been having a great experience with chat in our community and by far the #1 reported issue is that there is no way to click on images to expand them / make them downloadable.

Discourse already has this feature in the forums (see screenshot example below). Is there any way this same functionality can be copied over for images uploaded in Chat?

Any help appreciated.

someone just DM’d me here with an image and it looks like it’s working here so it looks like there must be a setting or some CSS that is preventing this from working correctly.

If anyone has any tips on how to troubleshoot let me know.

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There is no hover effect like in core, correct, but images can be clicked and expanded. However:

This is indeed an issue. In regular topics, there is a bar below the lightboxed image with the title, a “download” button and a “original image” button. That is missing from chat image lightboxes.

Will move this topic to feature (it’s halfway between a bug and a feature request) and tag @lindsey so her team can look into it. It think it’s a reasonable ask.