I can confirm this happens with numerous links, and to be honest, I believe this theme component is broken.
the link bug was not on my radar but otherwise I think it works great. Agree with others that it would be good if there were an option to toggle it on for desktop too.
@chapoi if you ever get any cycles to fix the link issue that would be hugely appreciated. Thanks so much for making this theme. Makes a big difference.
Hey all,
thanks for the patience. Just a quick update that I’m looking into the missing background and link problems now! Hopefully I’ll have a quick fix.
Okay, it looks like those fixes were not so bad and mainly due to some core changes as I thought.
Both background and (onebox) links should be working again after an update! Let me know if not the case and apologies for the wait time.
I do really appreciate everyone who likes my little passion project
As for bringing it to desktop, I would love nothing more but it would require a lot more work. So, not on the immediate planning but definitely something I’d like to do!
Hi, @chapoi
I’ve done an update, but it doesn’t seem to have fixed anything. Thank you for trying so far!
Also, it would be awesome for the desktop view!
Hmmm, I got it working on my personal site. Can you check if Discourse itself is also on the latest version?
Hi @chapoi,
I lied, it is now working. Great job!
I haven’t tried a custom background. But can report works in Tests-Passed
Tiktok that way @chapoi