Checking whether a user is logged in on Discourse from another website

Hi folks,

I would like to limit access to certain pages on our website based on whether someone has a member account on our private Discourse. Presumably I would do that by checking by checking on those pages whether the user is logged in on Discourse at the time.

I think the right tool to use is: GitHub - discourse/discourse-auth-proxy: An http proxy that uses the DiscourseConnect protocol to authenticate users

Is there any step-by-step documentation to using it?

Can I install that in the same DigitalOcean droplet as our Discourse site, or do I need to host it somewhere else?

Could I please get some help with using Discourse Auth Proxy?

I have Discourse on a Digital Ocean droplet, and a PHP website on a separate server.

You can do this with DiscourseConnect (with Discourse functioning as the auth provider): Use Discourse as an identity provider (SSO, DiscourseConnect).

I haven’t tried it yet, but the prompt parameter might be useful for your case:

  • prompt: If prompt=none, then the SSO request is treated as a “just checking” request. If the browser/device is already logged-in to Discourse, Discourse will return a successful SSO response bearing user authentication information, as usual. If the browser/device is not already logged-in, then Discourse will not ask the user to log in, and will immediately return an SSO response bearing the parameter failed=true instead of user information. This provides a mechanism to query if the user is logged-in, without ever directing the user to a login dialog if they are not.
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This looks promising @simon. I hadn’t realized that DiscourseConnect could even function without enabling enable discourse connect but apparently it can! :thinking:

I’ll run some tests and report back – thanks for setting me on this track!

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I wonder if using Discourse as the auth provider gets overlooked because of its name (DiscourseConnect). For example, just adding the term DiscourseConnect to a post on here creates a link to the topic about using an external site as the auth provider for Discourse. Using Discourse as an auth provider is one of my main justifications for having a Discourse site.

In case it helps, the WordPress plugin allows Discourse to function as an auth provider. The relevant code is here: wp-discourse/lib/sso-client at main · discourse/wp-discourse · GitHub. The code might be somewhat overly complicated.

Here’s a more straighforward implementation for a Remix/React app: discourse_remix_comments/app/routes/login.tsx at main · scossar/discourse_remix_comments · GitHub. If you ignore the typescript stuff, there’s not much to it.


@simon I just wanted to write back and thank you. I do think your suggestion earlier is the correct answer. I’ve had trouble implementing it on my site, but the issue seems to mostly be that it’s a half-custom CMS with a lot of rickety code getting in the way.

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