Codeblock text seems smaller

The text in codeblocks seem small er than usual. For multiline codeblocks, the line spacing between lines also seem less.
Was something changed?
For example:

Recent update will see if can find link — found it in Daily Summary


Why do preformatted code sizes seem even smaller
Now: Preformatted text

Code here


This screenshot doesn’t give any information on the font-size compared to other texts.

Are you sure?

The code highlight file hasn’t changed since the last improvement linked by Dan:

That was an old screenshot, and is cropped.

Actually, it seems to be on mobile, not desktop.

I looked at the font-size on both mobile and desktop, and they have the same value (.875em) :slight_smile:

Huh, that’s odd. Now the codeblocks are much more rounded too!