Combining multiple sequential replies from the same poster?

The just-in-time behavior cue you are referring to occurs when users post several replies in sequence. It is only a reminder and happens once per topic. It’s also configurable, of course, and can be turned off or tweaked.

Why do we do this? Allow me to illustrate:

Why is this annoying? It’s annoying because:

  • I have to expand in-reply at the top to even understand these responses. Which would be fine if they were more than a damn sentence of clever-clever bon mottiness. They make me actively do work and give me almost nothing in return.
  • The reply is so very short that it contains little to no “native” context, because there just aren’t enough words to capture any kind of contextual nuance.
  • The ratio of metadata (post controls, author info, in reply to, response box) to content is now massively out of whack: maximum noise, a sliver of signal.
  • It’s especially bad when they respond to the same person in multiple individual replies, though that is somewhat less common, it’s the most clearly objectionable.

So, we show a reminder when this happens:

Now, @stienman did note that some forums:

  1. Forcibly combine sequential posts by the same user.

  2. Completely disallow sequential posts by the same user.

We could explore some of these as options in Discourse but #1 makes me rather nervous as it is a big magical system change to submitted content.