Compact Navigation

:discourse2: Summary Compact Navigation allows you to display the “Mobile” navigation pills drop-down layout on desktop.
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Compact Navigation allows you to display the “Mobile” navigation pills drop-down layout on desktop. You can choose to display it via settings on the home page, category pages, as well as tag pages.



Name Description
everywhere Show minimal nav all the time (overrides home_page/tag_pages/category_pages settings)
on home page Show minimal nav on homepage
on tag pages Show minimal nav on tag pages
on category pages Show minimal nav on category pages
nav items to exclude A list of nav item names to exclude from the ‘compact’ nav, and keep in the nav pills list. ATTN: It is whatever is used in the name property, not to be confused with the displayName.
open icon
closed icon

:discourse2: Hosted by us? Theme components are available to use on our Standard, Business, and Enterprise plans.

Last edited by @JammyDodger 2024-06-11T13:53:39Z

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