Configurar categorias

Estoy explorando las características de Discourse para usarlo donde trabajo y quisiera saber si puedo utilizar las categorías para convertir mi sitio en una base de conocimiento completa y no solo un “foro”, que pueda contener diferentes categorías como:

  1. Tutoriales: ya sean escritos aquí directamente o con links a los videos
  2. FAQ: poder separa preguntas técnicas de preguntas comerciales
  3. Manuales: de mi aplicación separados en idiomas
  4. Contenido de mis liberaciones recientes: explicación escrita de lo que contiene cada versión liberada de mi aplicación
  5. Webinars: explicación del tema con links a los videos del webinar realizado
  6. Foro: conversaciones de diferentes temas que nos interesen.

Gracias por su orientación y apoyo.

Welcome to the Discourse Meta community! I know that a few community members speak Spanish, but many of us do not. Here is what I get when I translate your post with Google:

I am exploring the Discourse features to use where I work and would like to know if I can use the categories to turn my site into a complete knowledge base and not just a “forum”, which can contain different categories such as:

Tutorials: either written here directly or with links to the videos
FAQ: can separate technical questions from commercial questions
Manuals: of my application separated in languages
Contents of my recent releases: written explanation of what each released version of my application contains
Webinars: explanation of the topic with links to the videos of the webinar held
Forum: conversations on different topics that interest us.
Thank you for your guidance and support.

I think that you can achieve this with Discourse.

You might need to use a combination of categories and tags to achieve the structure you are looking for. For example, in your FAQ category, you could use tags to distinguish technical questions from commercial questions. In your Manuals category, you could use tags to distinguish different languages.

Instead of using tags, another possible approach would be to use subcategories to further classify your site’s topics.

If you do not already have a Discourse site, you could create a trial site on our hosting to test this out. Free trial sites on either the Standard or Business plan can be created here: Discourse pricing | Discourse - Civilized Discussion. With a trial site, you will be able to try creating a few different site structures to find out what works best for you.

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Thank you very much for your answer.
Great news.
I’m going to use the trial to test those combinations.

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