Creating quick access links to Discourse preference pages

:bookmark: This guide explains how to create easy-to-use links that direct users to specific sections of their Discourse preferences. These links work for any user on your Discourse instance.

:person_raising_hand: Required user level: All users

Navigating to specific sections of user preferences in Discourse can be made easier with relative links. These links are universal and will work for any user on your Discourse instance. Here’s how to create and use these handy links.

Creating relative links to preference pages

You can use the following relative links to direct users to specific sections of their preferences:

Using the links in Markdown

To create these links in your posts, use the following Markdown:

- [Account](/my/preferences/account)
- [Emails](/my/preferences/emails)
- [Notifications](/my/preferences/notifications)
- [Categories](/my/preferences/categories)
- [Tags](/my/preferences/tags)
- [Interface](/my/preferences/interface)

Copy and paste the above Markdown into your post, and the links will be automatically created.

Sending links via email

When sending a link to a user’s preferences via email, you’ll need to use an absolute URL. Here’s an example for the Account preferences:


You can quickly navigate to your Account preferences by clicking the following link:
[Account Preferences](

Your Name

:warning: Remember to replace with your own forum’s URL.

Last edited by @hugh 2024-07-02T05:27:33Z

Last checked by @hugh 2024-07-02T05:27:42Z

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