There might be something that exists in Discourse already - but I personally don’t know of it…
Here is some code I wrote a long time ago and it still appears to work…
… however there is probably a far better way.
It may / may not help you.
For a specific username
if (window.jQuery) {
window.jQuery(function ($) {
var u = Discourse.User.current();
if (u && (u.username === 'DeanMarkTaylor' || u.username === 'BobTheBuilder')) {
// Here is where you could add a CSS class to the HTML / body tag
For a user in a specific group
This has the downside of making an additional HTTP request for the initial page load to get the user’s details.
if (window.jQuery) {
window.jQuery(function ($) {
var u = Discourse.User.current();
u.findDetails().then(function(u) {
// Output the groups for the user
// Here is where you could add a CSS class to the HTML / body tag