I am fairly new to discourse and I am attempting to add a customs field but I am not able to,
Could someone please help me.
My code
after_initialize do
module ::Foo
PLUGIN_NAME ||= -"discourse-myapi"
STORE_NAME ||= "replies".freeze
class Engine < ::Rails::Engine
engine_name PLUGIN_NAME
isolate_namespace Foo
require_dependency "application_controller"
class Foo::Example
class << self
def bump(id)
cf_time = Time.zone.now
DistributedMutex.synchronize("#{Foo::PLUGIN_NAME}-#{cf_time.iso8601}") do
user = User.find(id)
user.custom_fields['signature_url'] = cf_time
return user
class Foo::BarController < ::ApplicationController
requires_plugin Foo::PLUGIN_NAME
def custom_field_test
user = Foo::Example.bump(1)
render json: { user: user }
rescue StandardError => e
render_json_error e.message
Foo::Engine.routes.draw do'
get '/custom_field_test' => 'bar#custom_field_test'
Discourse::Application.routes.append do
mount ::Foo::Engine, at: '/myapiclass'
I am going to answer my own question here, since I kind of understand where I was making mistake in terms of my thinking process, and also a benefit of getting feedback from the rest of the team here, as well as for the benefit of new comers to custom_fields functionality in Discourse.
Basically I was making a mistake in thinking without investigation that after I create a custom field on User object by doing
user = User.find(1) user.custom_fields[“test_field”] = " X X X X" user.save
I was expecting the custom field to be created on the user object i.e. to become
and I was doing:
But after investigating deeply, I found out that, custom_field is actually an object
user.custom_fields[“test_field”] = { }
and when I do
user.custom_fields[“test_field”] = " X X X X"
it appends it to the hash/object
Therefore it becomes
user.custom_fields = { "test_field"] = " X X X X" }
@pfaffman thanks for let me know about the necessary of adding importers for custom field I am looking into them,
On the second part of the question, do you know if Redis caches requests, when you call the DB from rails application ? because at the moment I am two distinct results, calling via the controller and directly to the database via rails console.
Anybody know how I can make the “custom_fields” on User visible ? at the moment when I fetch user object I am getting the custom_fields property is empty object/hash - {}.
But if I do user.custom_fields, I can see all the custom fields, however as part of the User object is empty.
Please refer to the code snippet above for more details.
For that you have to whitelist those custom fields in either public user custom fields or staff user custom fields site setting according to your need.
I am new to discourse and I am not sure, when you say - public user custom fields - if you are referring to the UI part of discourse, on JS or the actual Ruby code. could you please elaborate, or point me to an example.
I mean you have to add that custom field’s name in admin site setting at the URL /admin/site_settings/category/all_results?filter=public%20user%20custom%20fields like below
And I have another question about custom fields, I am not able to see the custom_field on Posts object, nor I can whitelist it on the ui admin page, can you help with this,
@vinothkannans Thanks for suggestion, and it’s working.
One more thing I would like to ask you is, I am trying to set an object as in a JSON object into the custom field, However, when I se it, is setting it as a string with character escapes, is there a way to handle this.
Last question, do you know if is possible in Discourse, to intercept a response from POST request, modify the body, e.g. add a custom field before sending to the client ?