Custom Homepage for Groups

Thank you once again @Don for your fast support, and @nathank for your input :slight_smile:
The strong support of this community has been all in this path I have been pursuing 2 years now… :')

Both your inputs made me realize of a strategy to solve this apparent sphinx riddle. So I finally got it sorted out this way:


  • In desktop, send a user to a custom homepage as per his group.
  • Have the forum icon linking to the categories page.
  • Have a custom header “home” icon linking to the custom homepage.
  • Have the same on mobile, except that the first homepage be the chat room.


  1. Disable “force homepage on mobile” in the “Custom Homepage” plugin, and leave only the homepage per group options active.
  2. Change Logo link to redirect to full forum via (thanks @Don!):
  <script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="1.3.0">
   api.changeWidgetSetting('home-logo', 'href', '/categories')
  1. Make new header icon link to redirect to custom homepage (use plain forum URL for this effect).

  2. Use this handler in the case the user is on mobile:

   if (window.location.pathname == "/")
   { window.location.href = "/chat";

This is nice in that a user can change his preference for a custom home that will be obeyed both on desktop and mobile (via the new header icon). I’m forcing chat as homepage for mobile because I assume that it will be the most recurring use-case there.

And thats it! it works like a charm :grin:
Thanks to all of you once again :pray: