Make Chat Tab the default view on Mobile

Hello! :slight_smile:

I’m ecstatic at how awesome Discourse is becoming. There is one last configuration on the path of making Discourse awesome for mobile, which is to be able to make the Chat Tab the default view on mobile (not requiring the users to make this default by themselves). Is that possible, either by configuration or coding?

Thank you in advance for any hint! :grin:

Update: this is how I completely solved my use-case at the end, adding to what was answered here.

Hello Lisandro :smiley:

This is not possible in the configuration.
In the current state, I think it would be possible with a custom script, so I’ve moved the post in dev to see if someone could figure out a solution. :slight_smile:

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If default view means homepage I think you can give a try with this theme component. :slightly_smiling_face:


Absolutely wonderful. Works straight out of the box, thank you so much @Canapin for bringing the topic here and @Don for the precise answer. I used the APK functionality to use my forum as an app, so now I essentially made my own messaging server. This is absolutely insane.
Also, thank you twice @Don , because this plugin also does other things which I really needed (the last time I saw the development of that plugin was 2 years ago… men, time flies…)

Thak you both again!!! :grin: (and sorry for the delay in my answer :pray:)

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