Dashboard Report - DAU/MAU

Thanks, @SaraDev this is useful to us. Since we’re a small community with staff being much more active that regular users, I (well, me and ChatGPT) modified the query to be able to run regular users and staff users separately or combined. And I like to see it graphed, so modified to enable that.
I’ve recently seen how to download the database schema in this tip from @tyler.lamparter, and I upload that to ChatGPT at the beginning of these sessions; makes it easier to ask chatty to separate staff, e.g.

-- [params]
-- int :months_ago = 3
-- int :include_staff = 1

WITH staff_users AS (
  SELECT user_id FROM group_users WHERE group_id = 3
daily_users AS (
    date_trunc('day', visited_at)::DATE AS day, 
    COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) AS dau
  FROM user_visits
  WHERE visited_at >= CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL ':months_ago months'
  AND (
    (:include_staff = 1) -- All users
    OR (:include_staff = 0 AND user_id NOT IN (SELECT user_id FROM staff_users)) -- Non-staff only
    OR (:include_staff = 2 AND user_id IN (SELECT user_id FROM staff_users)) -- Staff only
  GROUP BY day
monthly_users AS (
    date_trunc('month', visited_at)::DATE AS month, 
    COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) AS mau
  FROM user_visits
  WHERE visited_at >= CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL ':months_ago months'
  AND (
    (:include_staff = 1) -- All users
    OR (:include_staff = 0 AND user_id NOT IN (SELECT user_id FROM staff_users)) -- Non-staff only
    OR (:include_staff = 2 AND user_id IN (SELECT user_id FROM staff_users)) -- Staff only
  GROUP BY month
  d.day::DATE AS date,  -- ✅ X-axis for graphing
  ROUND((d.dau::numeric / NULLIF(m.mau, 0)::numeric) * 100, 1)::FLOAT AS dau_mau_ratio  -- ✅ Y-axis for graphing
FROM daily_users d
JOIN monthly_users m ON date_trunc('month', d.day) = m.month
-- 0 = Non-Staff Only, 1 = All Users, 2 = Staff Only
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