Data explorer query for all active users (Lurkers + Posters)

I’m looking to give our team stats over how many current active users we have, with the following definition of ‘Active User’:

Users who have either read whilst logged in or posted to our forum over the last year

We have a lot of users on Mailing List Mode who respond via email, so we’ll miss many if we simply gathering the number of readers as per this query:

I can also get the number who have posted here:

I’m just too dumb to combine them with an OR so we pick up both groups. Can you help?

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This should give you every user that have either read whilst logged in or posted over the last year. The data explorer will also print out how many they are.

SELECT p.user_id
FROM posts p
LEFT JOIN topics t ON = p.topic_id
WHERE p.created_at::date > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '365 days'
 AND t.deleted_at IS NULL
 AND t.visible = TRUE
 AND t.closed = FALSE
 AND t.archived = FALSE
 AND t.archetype = 'regular'
 AND p.deleted_at IS NULL
SELECT u.user_id
FROM user_visits u
WHERE u.posts_read > 0
 AND u.visited_at > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '365 days'
ORDER BY user_id

There’s probably a more effective way of doing it, but it works :slight_smile: . If you want a specific period you could change > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '365 days' (both of them) to something like this: BETWEEN '20200101'::date AND '20210101'::date .

You provided great info and references in your question! I only had to pick the right stuff and combine them.


Thanks! I do believe in making it easy for others to help where possible.

UNION - that was the hole in my SQL knowledge. All sorted now thank you! I’ll post my final query here after it is more refined.

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I actually ended up doing something a little different as I wanted more info and UNION proved a bit restrictive. I also wanted to break it down by groups. I achieved success (I think) by hacking the included Active Lurkers query with another one I have for extracting group specific info:

-- [params]
-- int :number_of_days = 365
-- string :group_name = trust_level_0

With included_users AS (
FROM group_users gu
JOIN groups g
ON = gu.group_id
WHERE = :group_name
posts_by_user AS (
    SELECT COUNT(*) AS posts, p.user_id
    FROM posts p
    LEFT JOIN topics t ON = p.topic_id
    WHERE p.created_at::date > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL ':number_of_days' day
        AND t.deleted_at IS NULL
        AND t.visible = TRUE
        AND t.closed = FALSE
        AND t.archived = FALSE
        AND t.archetype = 'regular'
        AND p.deleted_at IS NULL
    GROUP BY p.user_id
posts_read_by_user AS (
    SELECT SUM(posts_read) AS posts_read, uv.user_id
    FROM user_visits uv
    WHERE uv.posts_read > 0
        AND uv.visited_at > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL ':number_of_days' day
    GROUP BY uv.user_id

SELECT AS "user_id",
    u.username_lower AS "username",
    COALESCE(pbu.posts, 0) AS "posts_created",
    COALESCE(prbu.posts_read, 0) AS "posts_read"
FROM users u
LEFT JOIN posts_by_user pbu ON pbu.user_id =
LEFT JOIN posts_read_by_user prbu ON prbu.user_id =
WHERE = true
    AND > 0
    AND IN (SELECT user_id FROM included_users)
    AND (COALESCE(pbu.posts, 0) > 0 OR COALESCE(prbu.posts_read, 0) > 0)

Thanks for sharing this. I tried to use it and also a very similar code on badge querys but I get this error:

Contract violation:
Query does not return a 'granted_at' column

I’m missing something on the code in order to use this query on badge system? My usecase is automate the ‘lurkers’ group :slight_smile:


Badge queries are pretty curly - and they require simply a ‘user_id’ and ‘granted_at’ to be returned. So you’ll need to hack this a bit.

I’d recommend digging into the topics on badge queries (read them carefully) and have a bit of a go. I’d also only run it once a day as it might be a bit heavy otherwise.

Let us know how you get on!

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