Database schema issues when migration InvisionBoard v4.3 to Discourse v2.1


Thank you @pfaffman for the work on the InvisionBoard converter.
I’ve been able to set it up, to connect to my remote database but I have a few questions after browsing the code and facing script errors.

  • What version of IPBoard OLD_FORMAT is meant for? I don’t have an ipb_forums_posts (old format) and I don’t have an ipb_attachment either (with v4.3)
  • What is USERDIR for?
  • Does AVATARS_DIR implies avatars to be stored locally somewhere, and they are being copied to Discourse from the filesystem, not via HTTP?
  • What are the implications of having ID_FIRST being set to true? I’m new to Discourse and I don’t yet grasp the meaning of permalink_normalizations being set or not
  • If an install fails, can I re-run it without duplicating previously imported data? (in case I hack and rerun the importer multiple times)

Thanks for your help,
I’d be happy to submit a pull request if I manage to bring the import somewhere

Sorry, but I don’t really know. I had one import that had wildly different data than another one that I did.

It gets used to create permalinks for links to user profiles.

I got an archive of the avatar files. The script imports them into Discourse.

Something about the format of URLs on IPB to create permalinks in Discourse. Only false does anything.

Yes. When data are imported, a user_custom_field (or post_custom_field) entry is created that keeps it from getting imported again. You can also use IMPORT_AFTER to skip data if you know how far a previous run got.

I hope this helps. If you’ve got a budget, feel free to contact me at the email address in my profile. I’d be happy to get this cleaned up a bit more.