Date picker arrows almost invisible in dark theme

Hi everyone,

Can anything be done about the colour of the ‘previous’ and ‘next’ arrow buttons on the date picker for admin reports?

On the dark theme they are practically invisible :confused:

Other arrows elsewhere on the admin reports pages are clearly visible, as is every other clickable element within the calendar date picker - except the forward / back arrows.


In the default / light theme though, the arrows are clearly visible:

It is almost as if the arrow colour in dark theme does not change like all the other clickable calendar elements do.

Thanks in advance :+1:t2:


cc @awesomerobot to look at

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I pushed a fix. Since pikaday uses PNGs inline in their CSS, I’m just detecting the brightness of the background color and inverting it. We’d need to rework how pikaday generates the back/next buttons otherwise.


Great news, thanks Kris, much appreciated mate :smiley:

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