Errors not shown correctly when saving Discourse automation

trying to use it but the repot dont generates and i have no erro in the logs.

is there any problem with my config? i tested using gpt 4 and claude 3. The 2 api keys is in the discourse ai section

is it not a problem with date format?

Can you update to latest, we recently changed how llms are configured so this could be related

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I have updated it 1 hour ago. Discourse and discourse ai is the latest

nice, can you share a screenshot of your llm configuration screen, when you click test on each of them do they work?

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Yes, here’s for Claude 3 haiku and gpt4 turbo

Hmm maybe it is a date format thing, after you save (if it is enabled) it should show a run now option on top , do you see that ?

No, not at all. I just saw it in the other topic

Thats right the date format is different

EDIT: when i save it and try to see my configs, the date field is empty.

Oh this feels like a localization bug in automation. Does it start working if you flick the site to English (maybe just do it for 1 minute to confirm) ?

Yes i tested with these 2 configs, and it’s still the same, i cant see a “trigger now” button

Feels like something about the date control to me then, let me report it to the team and we will let you know what we find! thanks for the report!

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I fixed an issue which was preventing errors to show. Once you update Discourse, you should now see a better error when saving your form.

I suspect the error is not related to the date selector.

Please let us know how it goes for you.


Hi Joffrey, thanks for helping. This time i got a message erro when saving the config:

My config in top_p IS already the default. 0.1. i need to change anything?

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Which trigger and which script are you using please?

Its the periodic ai summary v1 for every 1 week. All the configs are the default, except for the date and user who send the report.

The same as the image in the first post

EDIT: its works fine here if i use these 2 configs:

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Ok I see that’s a bug with default value. If you type again 0.2 and 0.1 in the fields, and press update it should work. I will work on a real fix.

Oh I just saw your EDIT, yes, it’s not about a specific value, it’s just about rewritting the existing field.

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yes, that way works too.

Oh, and by the way, Claude 3.5 is writting nice reports in the portuguese brazilian language. Very happy with that

Thanks for the support here


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