Badges reference guide

:bookmark: This is a reference that lists all the badges that are available in Discourse by default and what they are awarded for.

Discourse awards a variety of badges to users based on their activities and contributions within the community. These badges serve both as recognition and as encouragement for community members to participate actively.

In the below table, you’ll find a comprehensive list of all default badges in Discourse. Each badge is accompanied by its criteria, a detailed description, the badge type, and the associated badge group.

:information_source: For more detailed information on the mechanics behind the badges read about the SQL queries they use.

Badge Criteria Long Description Type Group
Licensed Completed our advanced user tutorial This badge is granted upon successful completion of the interactive advanced user tutorial. You’ve mastered the advanced tools of discussion — and now you’re fully licensed! Silver Getting Started
Autobiographer Filled out profile information This badge is granted for filling out your user profile and selecting a profile picture. Letting the community know a bit more about who you are and what you’re interested in makes for a better, more connected community. Join us! Bronze Getting Started
Certified Completed our new user tutorial This badge is granted upon successful completion of the interactive new user tutorial. You’ve taken the initiative to learn the basic tools of discussion, and now you’re certified! Bronze Getting Started
Editor First post edit This badge is granted the first time you edit one of your posts. While you won’t be able to edit your posts forever, editing is encouraged — you can improve the formatting, fix small mistakes, or add anything you missed when you originally posted. Edit to make your posts even better! Bronze Getting Started
First Emoji Used an Emoji in a Post This badge is granted the first time you add an Emoji to your post :thumbsup:. Emoji let you convey emotion in your posts, from happiness :smiley: to sadness :anguished: to anger :angry: and everything in between :sunglasses:. Just type a : (colon) or press the Emoji toolbar button in the editor to select from hundreds of choices :ok_hand: Bronze Getting Started
First Flag Flagged a post This badge is granted the first time you flag a post. Flagging is how we all help keep this a nice place for everyone. If you notice any posts that require moderator attention for any reason please don’t hesitate to flag. If you see a problem, :flag_black: flag it! Bronze Getting Started
First Like Liked a post This badge is granted the first time you like a post using the :heart: button. Liking posts is a great way to let your fellow community members know that what they posted was interesting, useful, cool, or fun. Share the love! Bronze Getting Started
First Link Added a link to another topic This badge is granted the first time you add a link to another topic. Linking topics helps fellow readers find interesting related conversations, by showing the connections between topics in both directions. Link freely! Bronze Getting Started
First Mention Mentioned a user in a post This badge is granted the first time you mention someone’s @username in your post. Each mention generates a notification to that person, so they know about your post. Just begin typing @ (at symbol) to mention any user or, if allowed, group — it’s a convenient way to bring something to their attention. Bronze Getting Started
First Onebox Posted a link that was oneboxed This badge is granted the first time you post a link on a line by itself, which automatically expanded into a onebox with a summary, title, and (when available) picture. Bronze Getting Started
First Quote Quoted a post This badge is granted the first time you quote a post in your reply. Quoting relevant parts of earlier posts in your reply helps keep discussions connected together and on topic. The easiest way to quote is to highlight a section of a post, and then press any reply button. Quote generously! Bronze Getting Started
First Reaction Reacted to a post This badge is granted the first time you react to a post. Reacting to the posts is a great way to let your fellow community members know that what they posted was interesting, useful, cool, or fun. Share your reaction! Bronze Getting Started
First Reply By Email Replied to a post via email This badge is granted the first time you reply to a post via email :e-mail:. Bronze Getting Started
First Share Shared a post This badge is granted the first time you share a link to a reply or topic using the share button. Sharing links is a great way to show off interesting discussions with the rest of the world and grow your community. Bronze Getting Started
New User of the Month Outstanding contributions in their first month This badge is granted to congratulate two new users each month for their excellent overall contributions, as measured by how often their posts were liked, and by whom. Bronze Getting Started
Reader Read every reply in a topic with more than 100 replies This badge is granted the first time you read a long topic with more than 100 replies. Reading a conversation closely helps you follow the discussion, understand different viewpoints, and leads to more interesting conversations. The more you read, the better the conversation gets. As we like to say, Reading is Fundamental! :slight_smile: Bronze Getting Started
Read Guidelines Read the community guidelines This badge is granted for reading the community guidelines. Following and sharing these simple guidelines helps build a safe, fun, and sustainable community for everyone. Always remember there’s another human being, one very much like yourself, on the other side of that screen. Be nice! Bronze Getting Started
Wiki Editor First wiki edit This badge is granted the first time you edit one wiki post. Bronze Getting Started
Admired Received 5 likes on each of 300 posts This badge is granted when you receive at least 5 likes on each of 300 different posts. Wow! The community admires your frequent, high-quality contributions to the conversations here. Gold Community
Champion Invited 5 members This badge is granted when you’ve invited 5 people who subsequently spent enough time on the site to become full members. Wow! Thanks for expanding the diversity of our community with new members! Gold Community
Crazy in Love Used 50 likes in a day 20 times This badge is granted when you use all 50 of your daily likes for 20 days. Wow! You’re a role model for encouraging your fellow community members! Gold Community
Devotee Visited 365 consecutive days This badge is granted for visiting 365 consecutive days. Wow, an entire year! Gold Community
Empathetic Has 500 liked posts and gave 1000 likes This badge is granted when you have 500 liked posts and give 1000 or more likes in return. Wow! You’re a model of generosity and mutual appreciation :two_hearts:. Gold Community
Great Share Shared a post with 1000 unique visitors This badge is granted for sharing a link that was clicked by 1000 outside visitors. Wow! You’ve promoted an interesting discussion to a huge new audience, and helped us grow our community in a big way! Gold Community
Aficionado Visited 100 consecutive days This badge is granted for visiting 100 consecutive days. That’s more than three months! Silver Community
Anniversary Active member for a year, posted at least once This badge is granted when you’ve been a member for a year with at least one post in that year. Thank you for sticking around and contributing to our community. We couldn’t do it without you. Silver Community
Campaigner Invited 3 basic users This badge is granted when you’ve invited 3 people who subsequently spent enough time on the site to become basic users. A vibrant community needs a regular infusion of newcomers who regularly participate and add new voices to the conversations. Silver Community
Gives Back Has 100 liked posts and gave 100 likes This badge is granted when you have 100 liked posts and give 100 or more likes in return. Thanks for paying it forward! Silver Community
Good Share Shared a post with 300 unique visitors This badge is granted for sharing a link that was clicked by 300 outside visitors. Good work! You’ve shown off a great discussion to a bunch of new people and helped this community grow. Silver Community
Higher Love Used 50 likes in a day 5 times This badge is granted when you use all 50 of your daily likes for 5 days. Thanks for taking the time actively encouraging the best conversations every day! Silver Community
Respected Received 2 likes on 100 posts This badge is granted when you receive at least 2 likes on 100 different posts. The community is growing to respect your many contributions to the conversations here. Silver Community
Appreciated Received 1 like on 20 posts This badge is granted when you receive at least one like on 20 different posts. The community is enjoying your contributions to the conversations here! Bronze Community
Enthusiast Visited 10 consecutive days This badge is granted for visiting 10 consecutive days. Thanks for sticking with us for over a week! Bronze Community
Nice Share Shared a post with 25 unique visitors This badge is granted for sharing a link that was clicked by 25 outside visitors. Thanks for spreading the word about our discussions, and this community. Bronze Community
Out of Love Used 50 likes in a day This badge is granted when you use all 50 of your daily likes. Remembering to take a moment and like the posts you enjoy and appreciate encourages your fellow community members to create even more great discussions in the future. Bronze Community
Promoter Invited a user This badge is granted when you invite someone to join the community via the invite button on your user page, or at the bottom of a topic. Inviting friends who might be interested in specific discussions is a great way to introduce new people to our community, so thanks! Bronze Community
Thank You Has 20 liked posts and gave 10 likes This badge is granted when you have 20 liked posts and give 10 or more likes in return. When someone likes your posts, you find the time to like what others are posting, too. Bronze Community
Welcome Received a like This badge is granted when you receive your first like on a post. Congratulations, you’ve posted something that your fellow community members found interesting, cool, or useful! Bronze Community
Famous Link Posted an external link with 1000 clicks This badge is granted when a link you shared gets 1000 clicks. Wow! You posted a link that significantly improved the conversation by adding essential detail, context, and information. Great work! Gold Posting
Great Reply Received 50 likes on a reply This badge is granted when your reply gets 50 likes. Wow! Your reply was inspiring, fascinating, hilarious, or insightful and the community loved it! Gold Posting
Great Topic Received 50 likes on a topic This badge is granted when your topic gets 50 likes. You kicked off a fascinating conversation and the community loved the lively discussion that resulted! Gold Posting
Good Reply Received 25 likes on a reply This badge is granted when your reply gets 25 likes. Your reply was exceptional and made the conversation much more interesting. Silver Posting
Good Topic Received 25 likes on a topic This badge is granted when your topic gets 25 likes. You launched a vibrant conversation that the community rallied around. Silver Posting
Hot Link Posted an external link with 300 clicks This badge is granted when a link you shared gets 300 clicks. Thanks for posting a fascinating link that drove the conversation forward and illuminated the discussion! Silver Posting
Nice Reply Received 10 likes on a reply This badge is granted when your reply gets 10 likes. Your reply made an impression on the community and helped move the conversation forward. Bronze Posting
Nice Topic Received 10 likes on a topic This badge is granted when your topic gets 10 likes. You started an interesting conversation that the community enjoyed. Bronze Posting
Popular Link Posted an external link with 50 clicks This badge is granted when a link you shared gets 50 clicks. Thanks for posting a useful link that added interesting context to the conversation! Bronze Posting
Leader Reach trust level 4 This badge is granted when you reach trust level 4. You’re a leader in this community as selected by staff, and you set a positive example for the rest of the community in your actions and words here. You have the ability to edit all posts, take common topic moderator actions such as pin, close, unlist, archive, split, and merge. Gold Trust Level
Regular Reach trust level 3 This badge is granted when you reach trust level 3. Thanks for being a regular part of our community over a period of months. You’re now one of the most active readers, and a reliable contributor that makes our community great. You can now recategorize and rename topics, take advantage of more powerful spam flags, access a private lounge area, and you’ll also get lots more likes per day. Silver Trust Level
Basic Reach trust level 1 This badge is granted when you reach trust level 1. Thanks for sticking around and reading a few topics to learn what our community is about. New user restrictions have been lifted; you’ve been granted all essential community abilities, such as personal messaging, flagging, wiki editing, and the ability to post multiple images and links. Bronze Trust Level
Member Reach trust level 2 This badge is granted when you reach trust level 2. Thanks for participating over a period of weeks to truly join our community. You can now send invitations from your user page or individual topics, create group personal messages, and have more likes per day. Bronze Trust Level

Last edited by @Southpaw 2024-08-01T00:26:40Z

Last checked by @hugh 2024-06-17T09:51:31Z

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