How about: Deferring Discourse’ javascripts
Add defer-attributes to all javascripts if possible. Deferring javascript-loading and execution makes the browser start HTML-parsing, rendering and painting.
So some static interim content may be shown pretty early in (or even before) the discourse booting process. This should do for a faster user-perceived page loading speed on first page load.
Ideas for static interim content:
- splash screen with logo and loading spinner
- topic view with posts from backend
POC and PR
For latest proof of concept and PR - please look into this post.
The vendor-javascript and all preceding javascripts are not deferred right now.
@see: Disable defer for vendor-script and all preceding scripts to keep ord… · rr-it/discourse@328efd5 · GitHub
Ideas on how to solve this are very welcome.
JavaScript async vs. defer vs. none
More about javascript loading options - including defer
: Efficiently load JavaScript with defer and async
(This is not about speeding up the real discourse boot.)
I read this article:
The conclusion over there appears to be an implementation of Fastboot/rehydration.
Is there a timeline for this?