Design feedback from the perspective of Humane Tech

This seems quite dubious to me – even Google Inbox doesn’t make the title that prominent.

I’ve mentioned something like this before:

It is a complex change, though.

We used to do tiger striping for the topic list in older versions of Discourse, the consensus was that it added more noise than anything else.

That is in fact, the goal – conversations are people, and we want the focus to the be on the people.

Which category drop-down are you referring to? Can you provide a screenshot? TL0 users get full category descriptions, and users who have been around longer just get the category title per recent @joffreyjaffeux changes. So this already scales to the user.

I think I’d need to see a mockup to understand what you’re getting at here? Nobody has ever complained about our existing notification that “new / updated topics have arrived” as it mimics what Twitter does.

Furthermore, it doesn’t shift anything around, because it overlays the column titles, as you can see here:

Why? That would remove my ability to quickly revisit something I was recently notified about; I use this all the time to return to a conversation I recently participated in.

We already have a special color for unread notifications. You want even more color here, somehow? Wouldn’t that be quite noisy?


It seems quite visible to me, along with dimiss all?


If you have UX suggestions, I strongly advise whipping up some quick mockups, as those are easier to parse and respond to than a lot of text.