Details accepts only one word as summary

Let’s try:


Lorem ipsum etc.

Yeah, happends here too. It should be this is just a test.

On my forum [details] doesn’t work at all if summary has a space there. Here it works but shows only one word. Broken still.

This text will be hidden

I think you need the " "


O for f* sake :man_facepalming: And I use that every damn day.

Wait a minute… you almost got me :smirk: I should start trust myself more. I’ve never used ” ” with details.

[details=”This is a test”]
Lorem ipsum etc…


I think you use the wrong ones. Yours are diagonal. Have you tried to use the composer button?

” instead of "

Diagonal, triangular… I don’t care. Those are what I have in Finland and those what I’ve used earlier are now broken.

But let’s try:

Summary is this

This text will be hidden

Yeah, that’s the reason.

But still — it worked earlier, it doensn’t work anymore. Ergo, it is a bug, not UX question or support request :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I can’t say I’ve ever used it without including the quotations marks, but the readme does gives an example of a naked one (discourse/plugins/discourse-details/ at main · discourse/discourse · GitHub)

Not sure what’s changed though that would have an effect on this. :thinking:


I just checked and I’ve used both, with and without quotemarks.

But that is not the actual reason as Moin pointed, but it accepts now only straight quotes, not curly ones.


I recently merged a somewhat stricter parsing for BBCode tags and it’s no longer allowed to use “values” without spaces. The value has to be surrounded by a pair of quotes if it has any spaces, otherwise they will be considered as different “parameters”.

Since the “pair of quotes” are somewhat different in various languages, I’ve only added what I thought was the most common ones.

I’ll have a look at the pair used by @Jagster.

Since the [details= plugin is somewhat popular with only one parameter, I will add a check for it so it can use values with spaces even though there are no quotes.


Quotes are totally acceptable, but then curly ones should work too. It is quite common that straight ones will change to curlies, and straights are thing to devs only :wink:

Do I remember right that even Discourse has settings for that?

Anyway, in most keyboards default is curly, not straight — at least on virtual side.

Americans use mostly straight quotes. It’s everyone else who has different opinions :sweat_smile:

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Both issues will be fixed by :point_down: