Determining the correct Discourse docker path for the current install?

I’m working on setting up a dev site and I noticed that as I’ve trialed and errored through this, I managed to have the files duplicated four times within the /var/lib/docker/overlay2/ path.

Within here, I have four different paths that each look like this:


How can I determine which one of these is the active install and how would I go about removing the others?

I need to edit an import script file within the live one.


You can remove everything not currently running in Docker with docker system prune -a.


Thanks! That removed one of the four. Now I’m curious, is there any way the other three could all be running? Two of them are /diff/var/www/discourse/ and the third is /merged/var/www/discourse/.

I only have one live site right now. I haven’t gone through the setup yet (because I’m doing a database import still) but the page loads properly and I can register.