May 14, 2024, 12:35am
I was trying to start an ubuntu dev install to work on my theme’s new version. It’s the server version of the OS so I cannot directly access Firefox. I can’t run a normal install because :80 is taken by Pi-hole (and setting up nginx is going to cause more problems than its worth).
If I go to it’s local IP and :4200, it says it can’t connect:
Is there a way to get it to run on (or for this matter Thanks!
(Sam Saffron)
May 14, 2024, 6:47am
Its risky, cause you don’t want to open this to the world…
I think this does a reasonable job at answering?
AI Conversation with Gpt-4o
sam : Looking at discourse source code is there some way to get a dev install to bind to a custom ip or public ip?
gpt4o_bot : Yes, you can bind a Discourse development installation to a custom IP address or public IP. This is typically controlled via your web server or the configuration of the Discourse app itself.
For Discourse running in development mode via the Rails server, you can specify the IP address it binds to when you start the server. By default, it binds to localhost
Here’s how you can do it:
Start the …
sam : ok but search the source code there may be a custom ENV var for it…
gpt4o_bot : It appears that the Discourse repository includes a relevant environment variable named UNICORN_BIND_ALL, which is used in the unicorn configuration. You can use this environment variable to control the IP address that the Unicorn server binds to. Here are the details:
File: config/unicorn.conf.rb
Code Snippet:
listen ENV["UNICORN_LISTENER"] || "#{(ENV["UNICORN_BIND_ALL"] ? "" : "127.0.0…
Read full transcript
May 14, 2024, 12:54pm
The machine isn’t forwarded, it won’t be open to the internet.
My takeaway from the AI was --b
, will try that when I can
Still doesn’t seem to work right?
I can access other stuff running just fine…