Disable the topic to show in the header / change logo size

Is there anyway to have the option not have any header changes when you scroll down in a topic page (ex. extra-info-wrapper)? Or do you suggest any javascript I can run to prevent that behavior of the topic showing in the header and changing the size of the logo.

You could could use CSS for this, but you would lose out big time on usability. Why are you wanting to do this, mockup screenshots?

I have only one header to match our corporate site so no subheader, I’m not seeing a great CSS solution for the smaller logo thing. I can’t seem to attached images to this because I am a new user. Thanks so much for your help Sam!

Hi @sam here is a screen shot of the issue, we would probably like to add a secondary lower header below the navigation bar to hold the topic content. Similar to what smart things did.

Sure, @arpit can you set that up for mimosa and document it in a reply here?

It is just HTML and CSS.

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@arpit Actually I figured out the html/css for the ability for our corporate header with the second nav like smartthings so I don’t need that. Thanks so much if you have started it though. We don’t want to use that much real estate with two headers. We want everything in one header which works everywhere but when you scroll down in a topics page. I want the ability to not have the topic info show in the header because it uses too much real estate and overlap and we don’t want the smaller logo to appear. Is that able to do via just css?

@codinghorror I found css solutions. Thanks! You can close this topic now.

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