Discourse: A Team Collaboration Tool

While Discourse is widely recognized as powerful open-source forum software, Discourse has also served as our primary workplace/team collaboration tool from the very beginning. Many other companies and organizations have found incredible value in using it the same way. In this blog post, we share insights on how companies, research labs, and other groups that need spaces to collaborate can effectively use Discourse to support discussions that are worth remembering. Why teams choose Discourse for collaboration

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://blog.discourse.org/2024/10/discourse-a-team-collaboration-tool

Not to be picky, but shouldn’t there be a link to the newsletter sign up? I’ve noticed the lack of such on many/all blog posts. :man_shrugging:

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Hey @JimPas, When I check this on both desktop and mobile, I can see the email address field that we want people to fill in. Because you copy and pasted I can’t tell if that field is missing or didn’t copy and paste. Is that email field missing like in the screenshot below? If yes, do you mind sharing the browser you are using?

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When you use the “Show full post” button to read the post directly here in the forum, there is no input field.
Screenshot of the paragraph JimPas quoted:


Ah I see! That’s not good.


What @Moin posted is exactly what I see.