Did you find a solution for your problem ? I managed to make embed comments work on my Drupal website, but only by using canonical URL.
Did you find a solution for your problem ? I managed to make embed comments work on my Drupal website, but only by using canonical URL.
Yes, we ended up having to switch to canonical URL. This resulted in us having to run a full database replacement on all existing topics to change their source URL to point to the canonical URL instead of Drupal’s node URL.
An additional huge problem arose from this as well, because multiple different redirects to URL aliases were in place from different iterations of our website, which was not a problem when using /node/12345 since it would always redirect to the same Discourse topic. As a result, we’ve been having multiple duplicate topics created for months now.
Frankly, I am deeply disappointed and bitter at Discourse for forcing this new update and not allowing canonical URL to be an optional setting. Shame on the developers for forcing this without even allowing it to be optional, because this creates an endless slog of headaches for Drupal users in particular – every time a post title is changed even, a duplicate topic will be created in Discourse, and the embed code is neither smart enough nor robust enough to handle this.
I ended up here when I was looking for solutions on “Loading…” and this helped me solve my issues:
, the URL you are point to must serve actual HTML and include a <title>