Discourse Connect: How implementing Discourse login with an existing database?

Hi, I have a database with username and password and I want use DiscourseConnect for use existing users account on Discourse forum.

I don’t understand how retrieve the email and the password that user input info the login form of Discourse.

Into my sso endpoint I receive the query parameters: ?sso=XXX&sig=XXX

But i need to receive username and password for check into the db…

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You will need to create a small web service that connects to that database, and when receives a redirect with those parameters prompts the user for username and password and then redirects the user back to Discourse.


Ok, this means, when discourse redirect to my web service i show a login page? I thinked discourse use his login, and redirect to me after user press on login button

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When using DiscourseConnect we will just redirect every user login to a service you own, so you have 100% control over the whole signup, login, password requirement, group membership, etc.


Ok! now I have undestod! :grinning:

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