Discourse deleted 1500 inactive users who haven't been seen for two years after update

I think a good way to notify site owners of new functionality would simply be to have the system account send a private message with details to the admin and maybe also post it to a changelog topic in the Staff category as part of the upgrade process. Just a short message explaining that “your forum is now upgraded to version x, these settings are new, check Discourse 2.3.0.beta6 Release Notes for more details.”

There’s no need to build a bunch of new ux for it when there’s already an excellent mechanism for linking directly to a site setting from a post like this https://discourse/admin/site_settings/category/all_results?filter=clean%20up%20inactive


A feature that Moodle has that I was always impressed with was that in upgrade it would redirect the admin to all of the new system settings.


You can lead the horse to water… and all the above already happens. You can see how effective it is. cough


I’m gonna go ahead and re-close this, because I feel the actual discussion inevitably trends toward “I disagree with this change” rather than suggestions. I do agree that we should have highlighted it better in the release notes and that is done, so…