Discourse hub - Login with passkey completely broken

I have already used the search and could not find a topic on this, I have signed up to report this in the hope that the bug gets fixed

I recently reinstalled hub on my iPhone 16, The sign in with Passkey option does not work at all, it does not bring up the UI for selecting passkeys. It just immediately cancels

This is not a problem on Safari. It will bring up the UI and sign in without a problem.

This is not a forum issue as the same thing happens on this forum as well

It is your phone and iOS issue because my 15+/iOS 16 works. Could it be actually the same issue all the time with your other DiscourseHub headache :thinking:

Or maybe mine is broken because it isn’t broken :man_facepalming:

I don’t know. iOS 16 has been problematic in many ways. For one, it works perfectly, and at the same time, there are several different issues for other users.

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Yes, I see the issue here @Vede. I believe there is an OS-level limitation here, quoting from https://forums.developer.apple.com/forums/thread/723273:

In iOS 16, passkeys can be used in a WKWebView if the client app is using Associated Domains for the relying party.

We don’t have Associated Domains for all sites configured in DiscourseHub, hence, the passkey negotiation fails early.

I think the right solution here is to force the login process within the webview to use the same mechanism as when pressing the “Connect” button. It solves this and a few other authentication issues. (In the meantime, you can try authenticating on the site in DiscourseHub using the “Connect” button. Swipe right-to-left if you don’t see it and click the blue user icon button.)

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