Discourse is expiring my Loom videos

Hi there,

I am an admin of a Discourse forum, and whenever I paste a Loom video’s URL into a post, Discourse embeds the entire Loom video into the post (instead of taking the user to the Loom website).

This is fine, because it’s convenient to be able to watch the embedded Loom video directly from the post itself.

However, the problem is that after 90 days, Discourse “expires/disables/retires” the Loom video so it is no longer playable within the post.

The Loom video still exists on the Loom website, and the Loom video is still at the exact same URL on the Loom website. But Discourse no longer allows the embedded Loom video to play anymore.

Is there any way to prevent this behavior from happening?

Thank you!

What’s probably happening here is Loom is giving Discourse an embedded “playback key” that only lasts for 90 days and this is being baked into the Discourse post.

Do you have a specific example you can show us of an expired video?

If you don’t want to post it public, please send a PM.


@ScottWorld, this is exactly what was happening. When you originally made the posts, it was generating an embed that used a URL with a time-limited authorisation signature from Loom, for example:


but we’ve since improved support for Loom videos as other users reported this problem on meta you can see here.

If you Rebuild HTML[1] of old posts containing Loom videos, they should now onebox using the embedded player rather than the stream URL and work indefinitely.

  1. ↩︎


Hi @supermathie,

Sorry for my delayed reply, but thank you so much for looking into this for me — and thank you so much for fixing this for me as well!! :smiley: :raised_hands:

You are the best!! :smiley:


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