Discourse Local setup

I have installed discourse in my local using ubuntu software.
i cannot run my url its showing below error, plz can any one help me?

An error has occurred, all later migrations canceled: PG::SyntaxError: ERROR: syntax error at or near “NOT” LINE 2: ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS image_upload_id bigint ^

I’m probably not the right person to help with this issue, but can you confirm that you installed Discourse on your local server by following this guide: Beginners Guide to Install Discourse on Ubuntu for Development?

I’m assuming that you are creating a local development site and not a production site.


Yes, i am following that guide only and creating my local development.
i am not able to fix that issue.

PG::SyntaxError: ERROR: syntax error at or near "NOT"
LINE 2: ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS image_upload_id bigint

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What distro are you running? That setup will work on latest Ubuntu and latest LTS Ubuntu.

If you are running an older version you will need to add a PostgreSQL PPA in order to get a more recent version.


Could this be a postgres version issue? Looks like we need postgres >= 9.6 ?

What version is recommended?

PostgreSQL 13 is the recommended.


Upgrading to postgres:10 allows the installation to proceed