(Felix Freiberger)
September 28, 2016, 5:48am
The user API is a feature of Discourse – the link I gave you is the source code of the official mobile app, which uses this API. The best description of the API I found if the #feature:rfc , which you can find here:
Discourse contains a system for generating API keys per user if a very specific protocol is followed. This feature facilitates “application” access to Discourse instances without needing to involve moderators.
High level description
At a high level:
Client (desktop app, browser plugin, mobile app) generates a private/public key pair and return url
Client redirects to a route on discourse giving discourse its public key
Discourse gets approval from user to use app
Discourse genera…
You can ask @sam for a beta invite here:
We have been testing our iOS app for a few weeks with great success and are happy to open up Android for beta testing!
I am going to keep a list of known issues updated in this post, so be sure to check the first post in this topic prior to reporting stuff.
How it works and what it does.
The Android app is an open source react native application. The vast majority of the code is shared between our iOS app and it. Source code lives at: https://github.com/discourse/discoursemobile