Discourse meetup near MacTech Boot Camp?

All - I live in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, home of not-a-thing-related-to-discourse-besides-me. *

I do speak at all the MacTech Boot Camps though.

I would Love to attend/help coordinate a meetup - perhaps if one could be scheduled the Tuesday night before one of these events, I could make it.

Anyone in any of the following cities up to a meetup?

City | Date

Austin, TX | April 9, 2014
Denver, CO | April 30, 2014
Boston, MA | May 21, 2014
Washington, D.C. | June 25, 2014
Chicago, IL | July 23, 2014
San Francisco, CA | August 27, 2014
Toronto, ON | September 17, 2014
Los Angeles, CA November 5-7, 2014 (Conference)

*If there was a meeting template/schedule available, Iā€™d probably throw one up on meetup.com to see what happened :wink:

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Great minds, apparently:


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Yes the timing is eerily perfect, here.


Thanks for meeting us in Toronto!