Discourse not working after installation

installed on AWS EC2 using official launcher, bootstrapped, docker launched and it’s failing to work on port 80. Looks like this
[*******]# telnet localhost 80
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is ‘^]’.
Connection closed by foreign host.
Connected to the docker inside EC2, in nginx logs I find such errors each second:
cannot load certificate “/shared/ssl/ec2-x-x-x-x.xx-xx.compute.amazonaws.com.cer”: PEM_read_bio_X509_AUX() failed (SSL: error:0909006C:PEM routines:get_name: no start line: Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE)
Redis and Postgres logs inside container are nice. Application logs in /var/www/discourse/log also do not show anything special (though they’re very short).

Partly similar on Windows 10 Ubuntu linux (WSL) with a mounted Windows docker (as native docker does not work on WSL), installation went nicely, image bootstrapped, database updated and a load of other things on screen. Finally docker is started (I see it in docker ps, and ports are properly mapped), but when I try to access it on localhost (that’s how I configured it), I get a blank screen as server does not send any response. Telnet to localhost port 80 does not connect at all (unlike AWS linux where something happens but gets rejected).

You have misconfigured your certificate. I recommend that you use Let’s encrypt instead. Stop the container. Delete your app.yml and run discourse-setup again and provide an email address for let’s encrypt.