Discourse theme to look like Skool

What would you like done?
Custom Discourse theme to recreate the look&feel of Skool.com, as their design encourages discussion and highlights gamification features

When do you need it done?
No rush.

What is your budget, in $ USD that you can offer for this task?
Don’t know the adequate prices, but I’m willing to sponsor it as long as it will be opensource and available for everyone free of charge.

Let’s talk about the details of implementation in public - but feel free to DM me if you don’t have any questions and just want to get straight to it.


I’ve been thinking about skool. I’ll send a pm.


It seems that what are called Communities/Groups on Skool would translate to Categories in Discourse.

So you’d have a “All categories” view like Skool’s landing page:

And a topic list view for each category like this:

I wonder if the look & feel is such a determining factor though. It seems what sets this apart is more the functionality to host a platform that allows members to open groups and administer and moderate them themselves. To implement this on Discourse you’d need to extend and develop some features with plugins. Rather than change the look.


I’m focused strictly on User Experience, not on the platform from the Creator perceptive, as mention in Discourse vs Skool topic.


You are trying to make one discourse community work like one skool community, and not trying to make a single platform that let’s people add more communities, right?


Correct! :slight_smile:


To dissect @nolo’s screenshot these are the main sections:


Any update on this, whether it is in development or not? I am trying to do something similar for my community and would be open to help developing or supporting it as well.


I haven’t gotten into it yet, but if we could both chip in that’d be great.

And I’ve just realized FKB Pro may be a perfect base for this work.


That does look like it has much of the structure of skool, built in. Good observation! The question is what work is required to get it fit to become skool theme? I will take a look and see what needs to be done.


Is this still an open job or does this need to be over to Dev?

Is there a budget for this still? May I ask what the budget is?


ooooh I like this @ludwikc

We are currently assessing whether to move away from discourse as we want a layout similar to Skool.

It’s as if Facebook and a Forum had a baby.

I know all the discourse loyalists will disagree, but having a newsfeed style layout is effortlessly more engaging. People don’t have to go digging. They land on the platform, and BOOM, they’re confronted with engaging content.

Combine that with the categorisation strengths of a forum and you’ve got a potent mix.


There is a lot you can do to make Discourse more “news-feedy”.

Customising Layout is trivial thanks to some Theme Components. e.g. see Discourse Bars 🍻 🍸 (a sidebar framework)

Supporting embeds and even (optionally) comments on the Topic List would be really incredible additions.


Set the homepage to “Latest”, “Hot” and you have a Newsfeed.

With the Sidebar being able to have categories and link to all categories makes this easier.

Though @merefield post makes it much more elegant looking

If we use FKB as the base and rolled Bars into the FKB pro, would there be redundant features / code? Right now I’m just trying to gather which elements are exist which align with skool so there is no reinventing the wheel. If FKB + Bars works, that would save time in building those features out.

FKB does not use Bars afaik, but no reason why it couldn’t be modified if that’s what you wanted?

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