Discourse toolkit to render forms (FormKit) issues

I’m not sure where this should go. It would make sense to reply to the guide that I"m responding to, but I think I’m not supposed to do that. If this is what I’m supposed to do then it would be cool if there were a reply-as-linked-topic button somewhere. About 8 years ago there was an easy way to reply-as-linked-topic. It’s now pretty hard to find unless you know that you’re looking for it and where to look.

Continuing the discussion from Discourse toolkit to render forms (FormKit):

The path is wrong. This should be import Form from "discourse/components/form";

I found out by trying it (it doesn’t work) and then doing a grep 'import Form' -r in all-the-plugins.

This was the only example I can find of this in all-the-plugins, but then I did an update and now discourse-gamification is also using it here.


Thanks! I think Dev is the right place for any feedback about developing stuff for Discourse and the overall developer experience, including documentation.

Meetup week is upon us, but I’ll make sure someone sees this next week when we return.