Discourse Who's Online

Thank you!

currently it could set visible to member in given trust levels
wonder if possible to add a setting, show this info for a given user group ?

Hello, since my forum is new, it is because only the highest ranking users can see it (level 4, leader), however the level is of no use, all users as soon as they register, they already have access to see who is in line. I have lowered the level to 3 in case there is a bug, but the problem still persists, everyone can see who is online.

Have some way it to show anonymous users too? cause i ’ m using maxmind and would to have a rate how many is online last 5 minutes beyond loggeds.


I love this plugin. I see the issue where some people say that this should be hidden for most public forums, but in my usecase, for the private community where we all kind of know eachother, it’s like a big Group-App kind of display. And that’s exactly what my users want.
This morning I rebuilt the containers with the Who’s Online Plugin added, I must say: Be Advised that it takes a while to rebuild your containers. One could choose to rollout at night for instance, since the whole forum will be down for like 15 to 20 minutes in my case.
If you keep that in mind, and if you communicate with your users how they can ‘opt out’ as described in this topic, it’s a perfect feature.


That happends everytime when rebuilding, so what am I missing here :thinking: Like you have two container setup?


The n00b is on me, it was the first time I added a Plugin to Discourse :wink:

Yeah. My bad then. But now you know — rebuilding takes everytime that long when done via shell.

Unless you will use two container setup; search will be your friend :+1:


Can this plugin also show “guests viewing”?

EDIT: I feel like this is a must as very similar to driving by a restaurant and there’s no cars or anyone inside… as opposed to a full parking lot and people inside.

The perception.


Is this plugin bugged with the recent update?

We are showing 47 users online (a new record) but when I click one of them and look at their profile it says “seen: 21 minutes”, and we have it set as 5 minutes for Who’s Online…

Edit: We fixed it, but it may be a problem? Forum updated, several bugs (sidekiq not running)


Before I would disable the option to avoid that users getting hide presence but this it’s not happening cause there button to stay offline not respect my settings, I set last 30 minutes but this isn’t keep because something broken too

Is it possible to show the who’s online indicators on users’ avatars without enabling this option?

Not the main page but just the online indicators in topics.