Help with migration to Discourse from old platform

  1. Transferring existing usernames and posts to Discourse
    We have exported the database of all original forum posts, but it appears that Discourse does not support bulk insertion. The method suggested by the forum, which involves an administrator posting and then transferring ownership of the posts, also seems to be ineffective. We are unsure of the recommended method for importing old posts (the minimum requirement being the content and usernames).

Bulk is supported in our importer scripts. There are many, and the process is documented at

  1. New posts on the original forum
    As we intend to continue operating the original site for a while, any new posts on the original forum will be automatically forwarded to Discourse. Currently, we are simulating user posts. We are unsure if there is a more recommended method for this process.

The recommendation is to not do that. The one way sync will be confusing, specially if someone replies on the new forum and doesn’t understand why everyone else on the topic is ignoring him.

The best practice is to pick a cutoff date and do the move.