DiscourseConnect and user time zone / location

After poking around on this some more, I’m going to guess that checking the “overrides location” option in DiscourseConnect doesn’t take the time zone setting from Wordpress, and that if we want that, the best way would be to set it via the API whenever the user edits that information. Let me know if that’s correct.

However I’m still not sure where “location” is coming from on the WP side, or even if it’s coming over. I’m not seeing a “location” token in the “last payload” for my user, for example. But I am seeing avatar, bio, username, external_id, and so on. Notably, bio is coming over even though we don’t actually have “override bio” turned on, so presumably “location” should be coming over too?

If you have a second @simon, I believe you are the plugin wizard. Let me know if you have any insight. Thank you!

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