Do you think it's okay if I actively language correct users' posts?

Interesting point - some languages have a highly prescribed syntax/grammar that is Deemed Correct and should be used.

Even then… maybe this is my english showing through but it probably depends on the context? I imagine a forum for Roblox players would be a lot more tolerant than a professional setting.

English… well first of all, which English? :laughing:

My approach to this has generally been to give back the same amount of energy that went into it. If someone excretes a low-effort confusing question or topic onto a forum I participate in, I’ll probably give it no attention.

For post writers, I’d probably recommend an overall approach matching the advice I give my kids: make it easy for people to help you when you’re seeking help; or easy for people to interpret what you’re talking about. Part of that is tailoring language to the expected reader, part of that is composing your words sensibly.

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