Docker behind a proxy, and elkarte conversion

I have a couple of questions, which will hopefully point me in the right direction. I’m going around in circles in my head.

Firstly: I have a well powered vps, that I’m running a number of web-apps, behind an nginx proxy, providing letsencrypt certificates. I am using docker compose to spin up what I need, and running containers on a docker-network so that I can re-use them between multiple domains (eg shared databases). I set environment variables for the different domains (vhosts), and expose the ports for the nginx proxy to work for these domains within the docker compose file. I don’t entirely understand the installation for discourse - how can I join the discourse docker container to this network, and expose the ports to the proxy?

Secondly: For historical reasons I have an smf forum, which has become an elkarte forum. Elkarte is based on smf and I think the database schema is the same (if with some additions). Would the smf importer work with this database, or am I going to have to modify it based on the differences? I lack the skill set to do this quickly, so any advice would be appreciated.

Any guidance that points me in the right direction would be much appreciated.

You don’t know until you try. Here’s my info on imports: Redirecting…. It’s stuff that I need to do when doing an import, but it might give you some insights.

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You might have the best luck using the socketed-nginx setup, and sharing that filesystem volume with your nginx container instead of using a docker network link.