I’m working on a theme component to block posts that contain keywords the user specifies in a custom user field.
I have the block/show functionality working, but it also decorates the preview pane of the composer view when typing. Is there a way to prevent api.decorateCookedElement from firing on the composer preview? Below is what I have working so far.
<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.8">
let currentUser = api.getCurrentUser();
if (currentUser) {
api.container.lookup('store:main').find('user', currentUser.username).then((user) => {
let blocklist = user.user_fields[1];
const blocked = blocklist.split(",").map(function(item) {
return item.trim();
elem => {
let textContent = elem.textContent;
let result = "";
if (blocked.find(text => textContent.includes(text))) {
const found = blocked.filter(text => textContent.includes(text));
if (found.length >= 2) {
const last = found.pop();
result = found.join(', ') + ' and ' + last;
} else {
result = found.join(', ');
const children = elem.childNodes;
const newNode = document.createElement("a");
const textNode = document.createTextNode("Blocked for containing " + result + ".");
newNode.onclick = function() { showComment(this); };
elem.insertBefore(newNode, elem.children[0]);
for (let index = 0; index < children.length; ++index) {
{"id": "blocker-blocked"}
function showComment(elem) {
const cooked = elem.parentNode;
const children = cooked.childNodes;
for (let index = 0; index < children.length; ++index) {