No. You may talk about these headers:
In-Reply-To: <topic/>
References: <topic/>
It has been explained here why it is wrong:
References: lists the parent’s References header followed by the parent’s message ID.
If you look at ours currently, it looks like this:
Message-ID: <539a986f8300_5a3fae28acd8c8201e9@forum.mail>
In-Reply-To: <topic/>
References: <topic/>
Message-ID: <539a9904d40bd_5a3fae28d5b8242036d@forum.mail>
In-Reply-To: <topic/>
References: <topic/>
which is clearly wrong. The first one was the original PM, so should not have an In-Reply-To or References header, and the second one (the reply, should look like this:
Message-ID: <539a9904d40bd_5a3fae28d5b8242036d@forum.mail>
In-Reply-To: <539a9904d40bd_5a3fae28d5b8242036d@forum.mail>
References: <539a986f8300_5a3fae28acd8c8201e9@forum.mail>
And a reply to that reply should look like this:
Message-ID: <adsassadfdfsdfs_sddfsdfsaererfgdsf@forum.mail>
In-Reply-To: <539a986f8300_5a3fae28acd8c8201e9@forum.mail>
References: <539a986f8300_5a3fae28acd8c8201e9@forum.mail> <539a9904d40bd_5a3fae28d5b8242036d@forum.mail>
and References
must point to a unique message id. <topic/>
is not a unique message id thus mail clients cannot do threading. It works when I replace these headers with its correct message ids manually on the imap server.
I had a look on a github email. They do it this way:
Message-ID: <discourse/onebox/pull/257/>
In-Reply-To: <discourse/onebox/pull/>
References: <discourse/onebox/pull/>
Maybe fixing the Message-ID
in discourse mails suffices. Dicourse does it this way (wrong!):
Message-ID: <5475a885c34fd_2fd5036a24480ae@archvm.mail>
In-Reply-To: <topic/>
References: <topic/>