Emails are not threaded in Outlook 2013

Which is fine, but let’s say this happens:

  1. You read a topic.
  2. You reply to post #25 in that topic as post #27.
  3. You go offline for hours.
  4. Post #28 arrives and mentions your name (it is not a reply)

So there are three numbers in play here:

  1. the topic (post #1)
  2. Your post (post #27)
  3. The post which mentions you (post #28)

Note that this post is a reply to the topic. That’s the typical case, we want email to thread based on the TOPIC. We have no idea if you have an email about the first post, though.

So when you get an email notification about the mention (post #28), that email should contain:

Message-ID: <topic/16501/>
In-Reply-To: <topic/>
References: <topic/> 

I guess “References” is the key here? All the posts in a topic should “reference” the first post, even though you may not have that email message.

Right now it says

Message-ID: <54752ba335286_633fee205cc454883a2@tiefighter6-virtual_host.mail>
In-Reply-To: <topic/>
References: <topic/>

So the only thing missing is the Message-ID header. All replies are in reply to the first post of the topic, though…

OK I just checked this in

topic_identifier = "<topic/#{topic_id}@#{host}>"
post_identifier = "<topic/#{topic_id}/#{post_id}@#{host}>"
@message.header['Message-ID'] = post_identifier
@message.header['In-Reply-To'] = topic_identifier
@message.header['References'] = topic_identifier

Let’s see if that helps? no idea, but I can check headers…