Embed additional explainer text in Form Template

Hello! :wave:
My first project (2021) with the forum was not successful in Kazakhstan, since most residents of our country use telegram or whatsapp.
The appearance of the Discourse AI bot (@Falco ) and Chatbot (@merefield) plugins gave my site a second chance to exist, but only exclusively for communication between people with artificial intelligence. Now I am collecting request templates (prompts) in AI and this option for creating a ready-made template solves many of my problems. To fully utilize this feature on my Discourse instance, I would like to be able to embed additional text (template) in the form of comments or preamble at the beginning of the template or at the end: Here’s an example:

Can we expect something similar in the future?


I can get behind this feedback.

For one thing, our first thought would be to include a banner image at the top of the form that isn’t an input, but this could also be any text as it was suggested above. Any sort of flavour content might be useful, to be honest :slight_smile:

And a second bit of feedback - it would be nice if there would be an option to assign a tag to each input option that would be then added to the topic (obviously optionally, so I could choose whether to add a tag for any specific input) so that one can not only fill the body of the topic but also its tags for better filtering later on.


I also want to offer a similar function - a hidden comment or whisper for a template. That is, in a composer (editor) open to the user with a ready-made template, there will be a note hidden for the user, but visible only to site employees.