Embed Discourse comments with on-page commenting?

@Remah that’s helpful, thanks for explaining.

I agree they are different things, but see them as synergistic rather than conflicting ideas, especially as the nature of online conversations continue to evolve. Time will tell.

Best of luck in any case to Discourse enjoying continued success.


That goes to :loudspeaker: @codinghorror and the team. I was just chiming in as a committed user.

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Dear Jeff, I have one question, if we embed Discourse Comments on blog, could we let users post comment directly on blog page, not have to access to forum page? Users don’t like to shift to another page when posting, thanks.

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No, that’s not possible with Discourse, as the previous posts have discussed.


hmm, any work around that?

There has been no change since the previous discussion.

I’m also interested with this feature, even if most of you guys think it’s a bad idea :grin:

Would it be safe to allow direct commenting within an iframe ( pretty sure yes, but want to be sure ) ?

The thing is, I’ve just seen a website with toggle commenting ( which can be an iframe ). I think it would be a great idea for Discourse embedding system.

See example below:

As seen on gamekult.com

Discourse doesn’t support running within an <iframe>. You can do things with the API, of course, if you have engineering time available to burn.


I can’t believe this isn’t available yet!

From a user’s point of view commenting and forum posting are pretty much the same thing. Commenting is just more contextual than forum posting.

@codinghorror maybe call the new product/feature “Contextual Discourse™”. (since the phrase “commenting system” seem to be inflammatory here)

From a product design and experience perspective, they are radically different products. Lots of companies that do “comments on a random web page” are doing badly, or going out of business. It is a very challenging business to be in, as many big name sites are dropping comments altogether as toxic.


Hmm, interesting perspective. I would tend to believe that removal of commenting by big name sites is a passive way of controlling speech. IMO, the hostile comments are the greatest opportunity to generate some great content, but I can see the alternate point of view.

I’ve advertised on dozens of forums and managed in-house forums for about 12 years and have found that on-page comments are more productive, focused, and easy to manage. (as far keeping topics in focus) So the hunt continues!

at least for embedding, have you tried other solutions such as nodebb or flarum?

it’s hard to compare them alongside with discourse, feature wise.

meta self notes
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I agree with this in theory; however there is a business need in some scenarios for portals to cross-pollinate there deeper-dive discussions with more ad-hoc comments. I totally get it, Discourse is a more robust platform for a deep-dive conversation but i have multiple portals and would like to steer people toward that deeper conversation by pulling attention with those ad-hoc superficial comments that suck them in. Currently many people whose comments might lead toward that goal, do not post as they simply do not wish to leave the current portal to do so.

I love the product regardless though :slight_smile: