Embedding Discourse content in remote pages, like a wiki

I see the page is now returning a 404. Did you terminate it because of the problem with fetching replies or did you encounter other issues as well?

Unfortunately I can’t help you figure these kinks out, but I’m fascinated with this workflow and would love to know more about it. Regardless of where you’re at with it at the moment, could you tell me what you imagine your final workflow to be like?

  • Could any topic in any category be connected to a remote page, or would you limit it to a specific category?
  • How would new remote pages be added?..
  • strictly at your (and other admins) discretion?
  • or have you pondered ways to automate it? (i.e. users could type
  • Will you be doing any kind of SEO canonicalization in order to indicate your preferred page and avoid possible penalties?

If this workflow gets smoothened out, it could be a great way run a community-powered Discourse wiki.