Embeddings from limited category?

Somekind rule of thumb is AI can’t see and operate if at least reading is harder than everybody. That is not true, if mentionable AI-persona is member of a group that sees such category.

But how are embeddings? Will those be builded even a category isn’t visible for everybody?

And the real issue I’m trying to solve out is a category where all posts are purpose made (I just can’t remember right writing form… curated?) for AIs, so those are actually copies of ”real” topics, but not 1:1.

There isn’t any secrets but I would like to keep googlebot out of it. Plus such content is a bit not so user friendly.

Surely I could mark those with special tag and mute it for users. Or/and mute whole category. It keeps most of users away, but I have a feelint that Category Navbar will show muted categories too; I may remember that totally wrong, though. But muting doesn’t keep Google out.

What is the problem that you are trying to solve by blocking embeddings from those set of topics?

By my experience posts, and specially if that topic is longer are… how should I put it… are treated differently by GPT, kind of like OP would be more important, if you follow me? And I would like to clean away all noises that will be there. By that way I get more accurate Q&A content with better context and more precisly answers. Sure, the main issue may be my prompts, system and user, or OpenAI. But my topics aren’t that… straight and black&white as here, or generally in dev/coding communities.

Sure, I may lack important basic understandigs how embeds, RAG or even GPTs work and what I can expect. But that way I got way better answers than using same prompts targeting normal topics.

Basically I shrink important content of a topic to new topic with one post.

So this is entirely about AI Bot search functionality?

No, not entirely. Partly yes. It helps pure search too.

For AI search, we apply the same visibility checks as the keyword based search, so if those topics can be returned by the keyword search, they may also be returned by AI search.

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I haven’t tested ordinary search, but AI search defenetly finds, if a mentionable bot is in that group that can use that category. Otherwise not.

But can ai embeddings model create database entries from such category?

Yes, it can generate embeddings for all topics.


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